Friday, May 27, 2011

BEA 2011: E-book Future, Google, and Facts

BEA 2011: E-book Future, Google, and Facts

A very informative and thought provoking article. I love the quote "there isn’t an algorithm that can compete with a competent, real-life bookseller. “Hand-selling can make you look like a genius,” he said. “After just a few questions, [a bookseller] can say, ‘Here is what you want to read next’ ” with startling accuracy"

Just how do we replicate this in the electronic world?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Life in a Day Trailer

The Killing - To be published soon!

The Killing - To be Published Soon!

Great news, one of the best TV series I've ever seen, the Danish crime drama "The Killing" will soon be published by Pan Macmillan.

 One of those great TV series, much like "The Wire" that doesn't fit the traditional format of 1hr episodes with each episode having an ending. Set over 20, 1 hr episodes, The Killing is a fantastic, mutli-layered series, with each episode unveiling new characters, new twists and turns to existing plots and characters. You literally have no idea until the very last couple of episodes, and the surprises just keep coming until the very end.

A must watch if you haven't yet seen it.

Oh how I'd love to publish these in ebook form.....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Little Buddha eBook - Take friendship and peace with you wherever you go!

The Little Buddha by Claus Mikosch is the first eBook to be published by Staffchoice Publishing.
Below you can a review of the title, and below links to where you can buy this wonderful little eBook.

If you've read The Little Buddha or perhaps downloaded a sample please feel free to leave your comments below this post. You can download a sample copy from Smashwords.

One day the little Buddha gets tired of sitting all the time alone under his Bodhi tree and so he goes travelling. His journey leads him to a big city, to a dark cave in the forest, to the sea and to the desert. Always being curious, he encounters many different people and many different stories 

The Little Buddha was originally a illustrated book written by Claus Mikosch and with illustrations by Rosie May Harrison. This wonderful story about the Little Buddha and his inspirational journey is now available as an you can take friendship and peace with you wherever you go.

A charming short story, written in a wonderfully simple way. The stories are thought provoking and enlightening and the Little Buddha is always curious and always with an infectious and inspiring joy for life.

A great little inspirational read suitable for fans of titles such as The Alchemist or Jonathan Livingstone Seagull which would make a perfect gift for adults and children alike.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The future of the ibookstore

A great article here on the future of the ibookstore and on the future of the iphone / ipad as an ereading device.

Will Apple successfully create another of their fabled walled gardens for ebooks?

The future of iBooks